Our amazing twins, Grace and Harry, were born at 25+1 weeks. I unexpectedly went into spontaneous labour and our twins were born via emergency C-section after they became inter-locked.
Grace weighed 1lb 7oz and Harry weighed 1lb 12oz. We were in complete shock.
We were transferred to a level 3 hospital, for intensive care. We took each day, minute by minute. After 11 days, we devastatingly lost our beautiful Son, after a very hard fight. Our world changed forever. Grace survived after a long fight and is now a thriving, fun and determined little girl.
We luckily found The Skye High Foundation during our darkest days. Millie sent me a purple butterfly which remained on Grace’s incubator for her whole journey, with her brothers name on to remind everyone. Grace is still a twin and always will be. The purple butterfly is a huge part of our everyday lives and it will forever help to represent our dear Son Harry.
Our lives will never be complete without Harry by our sides.
'If love could have kept you here, you would have lived forever'
We love you Harry
Skye was born at 30 weeks, weighing 2lb 3 oz. She was our beautiful girl. Sadly she passed away at 3 hours old due to a condition called Anencephaly. We had months to prepare for this, as we found out her diagnosis at 12 weeks but this did not make it any easier for us. Our dreams had been shattered.
Skye was part of a twin pregnancy and has an identical sister called Callie. The heartache we endured and still endure today is unimaginable. Sadly we cannot bring her back or have our family complete, but her legacy lives on through the purple butterfly and we are so incredibly proud of what her story has achieved.
Skye Lily Cann. Forever in our hearts.
We love you.